
When a food critic turns the poison pen on herself

Taking a vote July 28, 2010

Filed under: Wedding cakes — crummb @ 2:23 pm

I am feeling like an absolute idiot. After announcing in my previous post that my bakery will be called Crumb with one ‘m’, I am thinking maybe I’ll go back to Crummb after all.

Why? Because two friends have reacted with rather loud ‘But why?!!’s (with two exclamation marks). So I explained to them that it is in keeping with my brand new image as purveyor of fine, sophisticated cakes — that a baker who can’t spell is almost as bad as a chef who is skinny.

“But Crummb is cute what,” they said.

My husband Z added fuel to the fire. “They’re right what. Crumb sounds so ordinary and cheap. Crummb has more personality.”

Oh good grief. I am having a bigger identity crisis than Lady Gaga. Lucky I haven’t printed out the business cards yet.

So I have decided to ask you, whoever is reading out there, to vote. Look at these 6 cakes I’ve made for my website portfolio, and tell me which is more appropriate to my style: Crumb or Crummb?

Help me out, guys. I, as always, aim to please 🙂







35 Responses to “Taking a vote”

  1. dobberina Says:

    crummb! its more unique that way, and it goes with your blog address! i love your cakes btw 😀

  2. sHu Says:


    It has more personality. It’s different, it’s sophisticated, it’s cute, and it’s you! 🙂

    I did a google on on Crummb- The first 5 entries are all about you! Crumb however, brings me to everything else but you, or baking!

  3. yen Says:


  4. Okay.. to tell u the truth… I like Crummb better.. the watermark on your photos look prettier with Crummb too!

  5. Ah pei Says:

    Yummy, mummy.. Double mm does seem better !! I too vote for crummb and come to think of it, u have already created a brand for yourself with the name crummb !! Next time when u venture into recipe books, stick to crummb too !

  6. Cath Says:

    The first cake is beautiful! Crummb has more character I think…

  7. ms Says:

    crummb. i don’t think your discerning clients will think less of you just cos you are original and fun.

  8. spots Says:

    Hi, I’m an avid reader of ur blog and I think crummb is better. =)

    by the way, i’d like to order a cake from u. may need it by 2 weeks’ time? cld you pl email me details/pricing? i don’t need a 2 layer cake… jus a normal square 1 layer cake will do…

  9. fatmum Says:

    crummb!!!! My vote goes to 1st cake 🙂

  10. angelia Says:

    Crummb! and my vote goes for the 1st cake, too.
    when i saw the 1st cake, when i open my mail, i went ‘WoW’…

  11. Vivian Says:

    Crummb! The double m reminds me of “mm….” sound we make when we bite into ur yummies. Haha. I am such a glutton.

  12. Jac Says:

    Double “m” is more you,babe.

  13. daphnechan00 Says:

    Crummb! You can close the voting now.. results are pretty clear!

  14. Clara Says:

    Ay, Crummb ba!

  15. Elyn Says:

    My vote goes to Crummb too! Simply becos you’re unique in your own style so shld the name too!

  16. lea Says:

    Crummb! sounds more yummy somehow, and please, the first cake is TOoooooooo pretty to be eaten!

  17. J Says:

    A double is always better!
    Cake black-lo1 is definitely Crummb!

  18. Nick Malgieri Says:

    Sicuramente penso che si dovrebbe nome Crummb!

  19. lovelyloey Says:

    Crummb is definitely better.
    Customers who look at your blog and writing will instantly know you have impeccable spelling and grammar, so no one in the right mind will consider Crummb a spelling mistake.
    Besides, it’s more catchy somehow.

  20. Chris Says:

    Now we only have to find an official name for us, your fans – crummbheads? Crummberbunds? Crummbots? Crummbernickels?

  21. Laurence Says:

    Crummb for me too ! Noone will think there is a typo and if there is, you can say: it’s for mmmm as Vivian mentioned.

    Also my favourite is the first cake, for the beauty of it and of the photograph too.

  22. bombakla Says:

    definitely crummb!

  23. theragdoll Says:

    double ‘m’ darling!
    (just so editors can give their sub-editors hell for not getting the name right).

  24. Tina Says:

    Crummb! It’s has more personality to it and your creations will define how people see the name not the other way around.

  25. Linda J Says:

    Crummb or forgeddit .
    you know who i am ah bow lin.

  26. Sooch Says:

    Crumb. WHO AM I KIDDING????!! Thought I’d throw in 1 ridiculous vote for single m just to make everyone laugh.
    Crummb is unique. Crummb is cute. Crummb is a clever twist. Crummb is you. When I first saw the way you spelled it, I fell in love with it!

  27. Sooch Says:

    I forgot to say, those are really gorgeous cakes!!!! Sure got business coming your way! You’ve got class man!

  28. ynove Says:

    New reader! Crummb takes the cake. Names are not meant to spelt right anyway, yeah?

    As for the lovely wedding cakes you’re selecting for your portfolio… I’ve been poring through your posts. If I had to vote, #1 Blue and #3 White tiered wedding cakes look really you.

    If I had found you earlier, I would have asked you to make my wedding cake last year!

  29. chris Says:

    i vote for “Crummb”. it is cuter and easy to recall.

  30. Corrie Says:

    Crummb = crumb + mmmmmm

  31. Airene Says:

    I prefer Crummb! Just to let you know, if you need any help with your business card design, let me know! I’m a designer 🙂

  32. Kat Says:

    I Cant believe i have missed soooooo many posts.. and i’m too late to vote.. not that my vote would have changed the tide.. but i want to add my two cents to the mix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CRUMMB!! Crummb all the way.. it has made a sweet path into our hearts.. and tummies… and Crummb is what we know and love…

    so there.. you get my very late vote.. atleast i know that i have voted for the winning team.. woohoo..

    i cant believe how many posts i’ve missed.. life has been hectic.. but its no excuse… well atleast i got to gorge myself on a few delicious entries and not just one that left me salivating for more…

    congratulations on your new adventure.. i pray that God will bless you and the work of your hands in everything you do.. may He give you prosperity and tons of joy…

    love your bosses by the way.. glad to hear they are running the business with iron fists and pacifiers… go team CUTE!!!!

    i am sooooooo looking forward to hearing all about your new escapades into the culinary world… i know you are going to get tons of orders.. and soon the world will be raving all about Crummb’s Cakes… YUMMY!!!!

    lotsa love hugs and kisses to da bosses… xxx


  33. Michamillion Says:

    i like ‘Crumb’, for its simple and chic branding but seems like I’m outnumbered!

    Anyway, I’m looking for someone to bake a fondant cake for the 8th Jan 2011, would be lovely if you could please contact me.

  34. Estee Says:

    Hi there! Your cakes are fabulous! I need a wedding cake for my upcoming nuptials in Nov! Could you send me your portfolio and other details?

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